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Musical Notes


General Studio Rules
In order to protect our keyboards and other technology, please do not bring food, drinks, or gum into
the studio. We also request that you wash your hands or use disinfectant wipes before using the
pianos or computers.

Parental attendance is permitted but not required during lessons. The entire lesson time is important
as students need to have time at the beginning of the lesson to warm-up and practice with
headphones, one on one instruction, and computer lab and theory time that reinforce the information
taught during the instructional part of the lesson. Students may remain in the studio after their lesson
times to work on their assignments as long as they do not disrupt other students.

Parents are asked to refrain from parking in front of the mailbox as the mailman won’t deliver our mail
if this happens.

Tuition and Fees

½ hour = $90 / month
45 min = $125 / month

Materials = $50 / year


The materials fee is due in September and covers the cost of lesson books, materials, handouts, etc. 

Festival and competition fees are separate. Tuition is charged monthly in advance.

These are flat fees to reserve weekly lesson time. Due to the confines of limited studio time, make-
up lessons may not be available. (Summer hours are more flexible, however, and will allow more time
for make-up lessons). The nature of piano lessons requires that fees be charged by the month, and
are not lowered nor refunded for missed lessons. This includes spring break,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas holidays. Summer lessons, however, are prorated if at least 24 hour notice is given. If  a lesson must be missed, please notify us as far in advance
as possible.  If one of us is sick

and we need to cancel, we will refund or make up the lesson.


Payments and Late Fees
All fees for lessons are due in advance by the 10th of each month. Tuition fees received on or after
the 10th are considered late and are subject to a $5.00 late fee per student. If tuition is not paid by
the end of the month, the student may be subject to termination by the studio. There is a $25.00
returned check fee in addition to any applicable bank charges.


The studio will be closed during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, and a week or two during
the summer. No reduction in tuition will be given for these scheduled breaks.

Summer Months
Piano lessons continue as usual during the summer months. If a student will be out of town at any
time during the summer, please let me know well in advance so teaching schedules may be adjusted

Priority for time slots in the fall will be given to students who continue lessons through the summer. If
a student will be taking the entire summer off, such students time slot may be reserved by paying for
the time slot in full and in advance. It is highly recommended that students remain consistent in their
attendance through the summer months so they do not lose ground during an extended hiatus.

Termination of Lessons
If a student wishes to terminate lessons at any given time during the year, the studio requires a two
week notice. The student is financially responsible for all lessons until the termination date, whether
the student chooses to attend or be absent.

Practice and Parental Support
Parental support is an extremely important factor in musical training for children. It is the parents’
responsibility to make sure their children practice. Most children will need to be told when to practice
but having a chore list with homework, make bed, practice piano, etc. tasks may be helpful. It may
also be helpful to provide a reward at the end of the month if chore lists are completed.


Parents are welcome to attend lessons at any time but are not required. If a child is a beginner, it is
recommended that parents participate in practice time.

Daily practice is a requirement for all students. Sufficient scheduled practice time on a daily basis is
the surest guarantee that students will enjoy the piano lesson experience and make consistent
progress at the piano. For beginning students approximately 15-20 minutes each day is sufficient,
while 30-45 minutes per day is appropriate for intermediate students. Advanced students should be
practicing at least one hour per day. Failure to meet these practice requirements may result in
termination of studio privileges.

*TIP* Practice is easier and more effective if it is broken into multiple times during the day. Dividing
practice time before and after school is a good way to do this for children.

Young children usually need to be reminded to practice and parents may need to help them develop
an appropriate attention span. At times, it is easy to slip into “mindless playing” instead of actual
practicing. An effective strategy is to set a timer for 10 minutes of practice, then a 2-minute break.
These breaks allow the mind to rest, since careful practice demands extreme concentration.
Remember that some children experience a feeling of isolation when practicing piano and lose
motivation if no one is nearby to listen to the practicing. Parents who provide encouragement will
create opportunities for their children to both excel and love music!

© 2022 Maple Leaf Piano Studio

(208) 521-5682

2894 Glenwood Dr, Idaho Falls, ID 83404, USA

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